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Acosta, C. (in press). Huitzilopochtli: The Will and Resiliency of Tucson Youth to Keep Mexican American Studies Alive. Multicultural Perspectives.

Acosta, C. (in press). Dangerous Minds In Tucson: The Banning of Mexican American Studies and Critical Thinking In Arizona. Journal of Educational Controversy.

Acosta, C. (2013). Pedagogies of Resiliency and Hope in Response to the Criminalization of Latin@ Students. Journal of Language & Literacy Education. 9(2).

Acosta, C. (2012). Tú eres mi otro you/You are my other self. In N. Schniedewind & M. Sapon-Shevin (Eds.), Educational courage: Resisting the ambush on Public Education. Beacon Press.


Acosta, C. & Mir, A. (2012). Empowering young people to be critical thinkers: The Mexican American Studies Program in Tucson. Voices in Urban Education. 34 (Summer).


Acosta, C. (2007). Developing critical consciousness: Resistance literature in a   Chicano literature class. The English Journal. 97(2), p. 36-42.

American Educational Research Association Critical Educators         for Social Justice Community Advocacy Award 2013Acosta_Latino_Learning_Partnership.html
University of Arizona Goodman “In Defense    of Good Teaching” Award 2011Acosta_Latino_Learning_Partnership.html